Frequently Asked Questions


Contact the auctioneer to discuss the opportunity to work together as a team on the auction of your listing or seller lead.

Go to Website and register to bid on an auction. As a buyer’s agent, you will be required to get access to bid from the auctioneer/agent.

No, the auction purchase agreement will be collected once you have the winning bid. The sellers will review and will have the ultimate say to accept, reject or counter the winning offer.

Absolutely not! We have agents all over from all different brokerages use our system and help bring transparency to your transactions!.

Go to Website and register as a listing agent with Website. Our easy process is all laid out on there. We also have 7 day a week support staff to assist you.

Go to and register to bid on an auction. As a buyer’s agent, you will not be required to put down a credit card like a buyer would.

No, that will be collected once you have the winning bid. The sellers will review and will have the ultimate say to accept, reject or counter the winning offer.

Absolutely not! We have agents all over the nation from all different brokerages use our system and help bring transparency to your transactions!.

Why wait? Register today!