4730 W MENADOTA Drive, Glendale, Arizona, 85308
Beautiful remodeled home in a great quite community! Wonderful home comes with 3 bedrooms and 2 bathrooms. Updated kitchen with white shaker cabinets are paired with quartz countertops and stainless-steel appliances. Updated fixtures and Luxury vinyl tile throughout the home. Bathrooms have been artfully upgraded with modern vanities and upgraded fixtures. Private backyard with a covered patio and two car garage. Must see property!You can now submit your best offer directly to the seller. The seller will decide to accept, counter or decline your offer.
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Congratulations on completing and starting the process towards purchasing this property. Our listing agent will be contacting the seller to review and assess the strength of your offer. The seller has up to 24 hours to either accept, counter or decline your offer. The listing agent may contact you within the next 24 hours to discuss your offer. In the mean time you can track your offer status on your account dashboard. Thank You for your Offer!!
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First Round Winning Bid Amount $40,000
Second Round Winning Bid Amount $40,000